Thursday 31 May 2007

Ramsgate Trainingz 22/05/07

Well training at night is getting harder to do around my Town of Ramsgate because of distraction's e.g Gangs, Drunk People, Police etc... so i decided to get a early night and train in the morning i woke up at 5:00 got ready and out i went to a spot around 8 minutes away called the Monkey Rocks (As the pics above show), I let my breakfast go down got some fresh air once i felt woken up i had a nice 40 Minute warm up which consisted of 5 Minutes Joint Rotations, 8 Minutes of Aerobic Activity, 15 minutes dynamic stretching exercises 12 Minutes general and event specific drills which was some rock combinations barefoot up and down on both sides.
06:00 Still barefoot i decided to do some conditioning on these stairs that lead down to the seafront so i ran down them on every stair to the bottom and back up 112 in total i counted on the way down and up i done this 14 times when my heart stoped me because it was pumping like mad. (The Stairs Below)

You can see in the pic 4 stairs then a big stair next i running jump land on the big stair continue to the bottom and back up to the top very tough on the feet but i soon got use to it i done this 3 times. Next up was some balancing on the edge walking up it got scarier because the rocks are so irregular and the drop but it was fun.

06:13 I thought i have a little rest before moving onto Quadrupedal, you most know what i did next i went up and down on all fours on my second time i done push ups to go it didn't matter about the time it took just that i completed the task i set.

07:00 I then ran barefoot though town to Wilkinson's to train here's some pics of the spot.

I took it one step at a time starting at the top and precision up and then back down the spot where my bag and jacket is in the pics is where i got up to doing 30 reps also a lamppost jump from the kerb in the second pic, In the future when i feel ready I'm going to arm jump the lampost form the wall in the first pic, I also spent some time here drilling passments working on foot and hand placement.
08:00 I then tried those bodyweight exercises that i mentioned in a earier post for a while and moved up to some scaffolding where i trained on my laches and dyno, bodydrops 10 reps i finished the morning off with a 20 minute run, 10x10 tricep dips, 180 Push-Ups, 50 Chin-ups, 100 Calf Raises, 50 Pistols each leg, 100 Sit-Ups, 50 Pull-Ups, 3 Muscle-Ups.
Finished at 09:25 around 3 hours barefoot and i felt great as i walked slowlyback home covered in sweat and had a nice rest till the afternoon lol when Matt phoned saying he wanted to go training today haha.

Saturday 19 May 2007

Methode Naturelle

“Any man*, whoever he is, if he really wants to live his life to the full of his abilities, has towards himself some physical duties to fulfil, just as he has, in another point of view, some moral duties to perform and some social obligations to respect. These duties constitute « physical morality ». They can be embodied in a double formula: to develop oneself and to preserve oneself.”

*all humankind, man, woman, child, from birth to adulthood.

Appearing in France in 1905 and elaborated by Georges Hébert (1875-1957), the Natural Method is more than a simple concept of training for the body, it is a genuine physical and moral education method, based upon reliable experience and on over a century of history. Here is the definition given by the inventor himself:
“A methodical, progressive/graduated and continuous action, from childhood to adulthood, aiming to ensure integral physical development; to increase organic resistances; to highlight the aptitudes in all kind of indispensable exercises, both natural and utilitarian; to develop the energy and all the other qualities of action; finally to subordinate all physical and manly gain to an idea of a prevailing moral: altruism!

Training by The Natural Method privileges movement in all its forms. The exercises are classified into 10 families which are:

Quadrupedal movement ( moving on all 4 limbs)

All these exercises flow from one to another during a session of 40 to 60 minutes and enable complete and utilitarian physical development. Moving about, flexibility, freedom of individual action, continuity, alternation of effort and graduation of the intensity of work are the main teaching principles of the method. The sessions take place preferably outdoors in purpose-built spaces or not, but can also be held inside for reasons of convenience.

The Natural Method is intended for people of any condition regardless of age, sex or starting level of fitness. It has a practical and immediate application in everyday life, as well as in emergencies or danger, giving the ability to assist others in whatever form.

The motto of the method, « to be strong to be useful », is in fact the condensed formula of the following sentence:

"One's got to be strong to be useful, not only to oneself, but to others”.


The main reason i posted this up is to remind me of where parkour orginated from and remind others or show them Georges Hébert method.

Wednesday 9 May 2007

New Training Ideas.

I recently went over to Whitstable a 35 minute train journey from my hometown of Ramsgate in Kent, to train with a traceur named Matthew Spencer otherwise known as Spence.

It had been quite a while since we last met up and trained together with me i had Matt aka Afro and Chris aka Sniper i waited at the train station for Spence to come along he did barefoot i done some barefoot training way back in my days as a Army Cadet and when i first started taking Parkour Seriously but never walked around most of the day like it, two more locals came along and off we went on a nice sunny afternoon to warm up had a great day out training at all the spots trying new ways of moving.

Next Day was Sunday 6th and i wanted to go out to Ashford to a Jam but couldn't lack of Money, some new students to parkour came over to train with me i know one of them from about 2 years back at Cadets so i met them and started to train barefoot i noticed how my skill was very limited so i thought i take it easy learn to walk again like a toddler.

Monday 7th Normally i rest on Mondays recover from the Jam, but Chris came over to train, Rain spoiled our day a little and i had to rush to the car park for cover and to put my trainers back on. We went back to mine watched one of the funniest films on the planet Feat Tom Green wont say the film lmao, then back off out where i met Jorge & Tom 2 more interested in Parkour.

Chris went back home and the evening i spent helping Jorge & Tom take it one step at a time progressing slowing knowing what they are doing and why they are doing it. I was impressed by the determination and the slight progression i saw and i noticed that the little workout was good for them.

My new goals are to:

Set up a Night (Most Likely Monday) of hardcore conditioning in Ramsgate for the 8-12 dedicated learners that want to get stronger. Thanks to the success and idea of Blane's Hell Night, and Jason's Bottom Level.

Keep training Barefoot Walking-Running to improve my Balance and strengthen my feet.

0n a Saturday Afternoon now the Football Season is over and it seems summer is here go for a nice controlled run along the beach 2 miles with whoever wants to join me and back though a park along the clifftop.

Overcome some mental aspects due to a recent injury and build up my health and fitness back to normal and beyond.

Some Bodyweight exercises i have just started to help my training I'm a total beginner with hardly any background with these not much Gymnastics/Martial Arts etc so will take a while to progress to a steady level but I'm willing to try and not get frustrated.

Handstands - I'm totally useless tbh, I don't try because of that fact but when i have time alone on some nice grass with a bottle of fresh water i will spend some time trying these.

L-Sit - I tried one and failed landed straight back down on my ass, i need to build it up and practice more with the right strength so i added this to my list.

Pistol Squat - Pistols i feel I'm pretty OK at but i know in my mind they can be so much better so my goal is to increase my leg strength by improving my Pistol.

Elbow Lever - A fairly simple skill i think but still need to train and train on this.

That's it for now more stuff to come soon hopefully with pics.


This community supports PARKOUR, not COMPETITION - Run Without Rivals!
The members of this community stand firmly against the idea of organized parkour competition.Our reasons:\

ONE: We don't believe in elites. We don't believe in any form of selection among practitioners. We don't believe in the necessity of any form of hierarchy of performance among practitioners. We believe to be "the best" doesn't mean anything in parkour, because winning or losing don't mean anything in parkour philosophy. We do not accept such a drive as part of the parkour philosophy.Instead, we believe the drive to train should always and only come from within.We strive to be stronger for ourselves and others, not against people, but with and for others.Therefore, we reject and disregard any form of rivalry between practitioners.Instead, we value mutual respect and solidarity in making progress as individuals and as a community.

TWO: We believe it stands against the philosophy of parkour to compete to win or earn anything that is not part of parkour values, such as medals, prizes, trophies, money, fame, recognition, or glory.Same goes about showing off for a crowd.Instead, we look for priceless and beneficial outcomes to our actions. We also look for benefits we all can share.We are givers, not takers.

THREE: Competition encourages the unready to sacrifice their health for early victories, or to reach a ranking that has no true meaning. It forces elite competitors to constantly and repeatedly endanger their most precious good, health, because of obsession and obligation of victory, and whatever is at stake as a direct consequence of it, including money, rank or status, pride, and also professional or sponsoring contracts and profitable commercial deals.It leads competitive practitioners to unbalance their training and focus only on the specific skills needed to win, leading to chronic injuries. Despite official denials, doping is most of the time involved in every level of competition, that money is involved or not. We believe the physical consequences of competing at high level goes against the philosophy of parkour which emphasizes on moderation and the necessity of enduring. Instead, parkour is a humble, patient and lifelong discipline, and the human body requires incremental conditioning to ensure its resistance and longevity. Moderation is a truly important value of parkour and an indispensable quality in order to preserve oneself and for the body to endure. Therefore, we reject whatever goes against moderation and that impairs the body.

FOUR: Parkour doesn't belong to corporations, sponsors, medias, and people sitting at home to watch. We believe we must not accept activities and plans that are abusively called parkour, that misuse its name and hijack its image to draw public and medias attention to something that is NOT parkour, despite the resistance of the majority of the community against such intentions.Instead, we affirm parkour is a non-competitive discipline that belong to all practitioners, to the local communities, to the teams and friends, and to the human race as a whole. We believe we must stand together against ambitions that do not reflect the original philosophy of parkour and that are disrespectful to the parkour philosophy and the parkour community. Competition is not inevitable - it is just another obstacle! Support original parkour, keep our discipline free!

(written by TK17/Erwan)