Thursday 31 May 2007

Ramsgate Trainingz 22/05/07

Well training at night is getting harder to do around my Town of Ramsgate because of distraction's e.g Gangs, Drunk People, Police etc... so i decided to get a early night and train in the morning i woke up at 5:00 got ready and out i went to a spot around 8 minutes away called the Monkey Rocks (As the pics above show), I let my breakfast go down got some fresh air once i felt woken up i had a nice 40 Minute warm up which consisted of 5 Minutes Joint Rotations, 8 Minutes of Aerobic Activity, 15 minutes dynamic stretching exercises 12 Minutes general and event specific drills which was some rock combinations barefoot up and down on both sides.
06:00 Still barefoot i decided to do some conditioning on these stairs that lead down to the seafront so i ran down them on every stair to the bottom and back up 112 in total i counted on the way down and up i done this 14 times when my heart stoped me because it was pumping like mad. (The Stairs Below)

You can see in the pic 4 stairs then a big stair next i running jump land on the big stair continue to the bottom and back up to the top very tough on the feet but i soon got use to it i done this 3 times. Next up was some balancing on the edge walking up it got scarier because the rocks are so irregular and the drop but it was fun.

06:13 I thought i have a little rest before moving onto Quadrupedal, you most know what i did next i went up and down on all fours on my second time i done push ups to go it didn't matter about the time it took just that i completed the task i set.

07:00 I then ran barefoot though town to Wilkinson's to train here's some pics of the spot.

I took it one step at a time starting at the top and precision up and then back down the spot where my bag and jacket is in the pics is where i got up to doing 30 reps also a lamppost jump from the kerb in the second pic, In the future when i feel ready I'm going to arm jump the lampost form the wall in the first pic, I also spent some time here drilling passments working on foot and hand placement.
08:00 I then tried those bodyweight exercises that i mentioned in a earier post for a while and moved up to some scaffolding where i trained on my laches and dyno, bodydrops 10 reps i finished the morning off with a 20 minute run, 10x10 tricep dips, 180 Push-Ups, 50 Chin-ups, 100 Calf Raises, 50 Pistols each leg, 100 Sit-Ups, 50 Pull-Ups, 3 Muscle-Ups.
Finished at 09:25 around 3 hours barefoot and i felt great as i walked slowlyback home covered in sweat and had a nice rest till the afternoon lol when Matt phoned saying he wanted to go training today haha.

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