Saturday 9 June 2007

Little Statement

I would like to say that i no longer want to be affiliated with Urban Movement as a representative or practitioner of their group. I want what's best for myself and parkour so i have came to this decision to learn more and train more on my own, I will still help and pass on my present knowledge to anybody who wants to learn and know more.

Recently i have been thinking a lot, of what people have achieved in parkour and done to help a really big inspiration is Jason Matten, he has helped me a lot and another is Spence reminding me to respect my morals.

I'm starting to understand what parkour is and about, It is amazing how a little underground training method shared by a small group of friends in France, can become a worldwide phase everyone has their own personal views on it and all types of people have motives and ideas for it, some good some bad but that's the way the world is.

For me i feel only now that I've met parkour and that I'm a parkour student not a traceur as of yet, I'm hoping to go to the Traceur Gathering this summer and learn/train as much as possible from Traceurs whom have a lot more experience then me and i have the highest amount of respect for.

I want to keep getting stronger one step at a time and progress with my parkour while helping the new guys and having a laugh with mates, getting back as much as i put in.

Some time in the future i hope to start a small organisation/movement dedicated to parkour with none of the showing of, competition and politics crap just a group of people in my area bought together to train share the same passion for movement and help each other and themselves to get stronger.

I wish Lewis and all of Urban Movement as well as a new team set up by old members of the RPK called Ramsgate Freeflow the very best in the future and keep up your training and your goals as well as everyone else in the world.

I hope you understand and respect this decision of mine.


P.S To Urban Movement I will be at the meeting on Monday to explain fully and say my intentions for the future.

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Anonymous said...

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